** 387.ZIP \UTILS 80387 & 80387SX COPROCESSOR EMULATOR WORKS ** 4DOS1.ZIP \UTILS No description for this file ** 4DOS2.ZIP \UTILS No description for this file ** 4DOS3.ZIP \UTILS No description for this file ** ALMANAC.ZIP \UTILS Astronomical almanac for any lat./long. 004 ** ANTIVIR1.ZIP \UTILS ANTIVIRUS UTILITIES Tons of good utilities to check for computer viruses; worms; b ombs; and trojan horses. ** ANTIVIR2.ZIP \UTILS DISK 2 OF 2 ** ARCMASTR.ZIP \UTILS ARCMASTER An interface program designed for managing archive files in th e six most popular formats. ** ARJ.ZIP \UTILS ARJ A compression utility with several advantages over the other w ell-known systems. ** ASSORT.ZIP \UTILS ASSORTMENT An invaluable assortment of handy utilities from Alred Glossbr enner; author of many computer books. ** AUTOMEN.ZIP \UTILS AUTOMENU Creates custom menus with its easy to use command language. I ncludes mouse support. ** BADGE.ZIP \UTILS Make badges, using LaserJet. ** BAKERS.ZIP \UTILS BAKER'S DOZEN Jim Button's collection of great utilities. ** BRAD.ZIP \UTILS BRADFORD Letter quality printing utility w/ lots of fancy character sty les. ** BURNIN.ZIP \UTILS Comprehensive Burn In Tests for PC'S 011 ** CGA.ZIP \UTILS CGA A memory-resident program that allows many CGA-onl programs to run on a Hercules mono system. ** CLEAN.ZIP \UTILS CLEAN-UP Another virus utility from McAfee; which disinfects virus infe cted disks. ** CLICK.ZIP \UTILS TO HEAR KEYBOARD WITH SOURCE IN ASM ** COMMAND.ZIP \UTILS Fun COMMAND.COM that will make you laugh! ** CONDOM.ZIP \UTILS National Condom Week slogans. ** D&T.ZIP \UTILS DATE & TIME For those with no onboard clock; here's a utility to make sett ing the date & time easy. ** D-SPOOL.ZIP \UTILS DISK SPOOL II Excellent disk spooler that works from a popup menu. ** DABUTIL.ZIP \UTILS HD UTILITIES A half-dozen valuable utilities for hard disk users. ** DIREDIT.ZIP \UTILS DIREDIT Helps you sort your hard disk directories in many ways ** DISKCAT.ZIP \UTILS Nice cataloger for floppies 013 ** DISKOVER.ZIP \UTILS Terrific floppy organizer must try! 013 ** DUPE.ZIP \UTILS DUPE OF A FLOPPY WITH ONLY ONE READ ** E-UTILS1.ZIP \UTILS DISK 2 OF 2 ** E-UTILS2.ZIP \UTILS EISSINGER UTILITIES A collection of handy DOS utilitie for direct use; or in batch files. ** EASYDOS.ZIP \UTILS EASYDOS Provides an easy to use menu for performing simple DOS operati ons. Features online help. Great for beginners. ** EASYUN.ZIP \UTILS EASY UNPROTECT A ton of effective utilities for removing copy-protectio from most commercial programs. ** ENCRIPT.ZIP \UTILS CRYPT F Scrambles sensitive disk files so they cannot be tampered with . ** EXPLOSIV.ZIP \UTILS EGA,VGA display blanker, simulates fireworks ** EZACCESS.ZIP \UTILS EASY ACCESS An easy hard disk menu system that provides usage logging; a screen saver; calendar; reminder functions and much more. ** EZCL.ZIP \UTILS EZ COPY LITE Makes multiple 360K copies without rereading the master each time. ** EZDO.ZIP \UTILS EASY DISK OPERATIONS A file and directory utility that will give you additional cap abilities with DOS. ** EZMENU1.ZIP \UTILS EZ-MENU A truly superb menuing system with several powerful functions; and context-sensitive help. ** EZMENU2.ZIP \UTILS DISK 2 OF 2 ** F-MASTER.ZIP \UTILS FORMATMASTER Full-featured floppy disk formatter with many neat features; i ncluding formatting 360K disks to 800K! ** FCONS1.ZIP \UTILS FANSI CONSOLE A fast ANSI console driver for the PC. Speeds up screen writes by as much as 2X. ** FCONS2.ZIP \UTILS DISK 2 OF 2 ** FFF.ZIP \UTILS FANTASTIC FILE FINDER ** FICHECK.ZIP \UTILS FILE INTEGRITY CHECKER Makes a log of your hard disk's files; and warns when any have changed; to fight viruses ** FILECOM1.ZIP \UTILS FILE COMMANDO (1/3) Versatile file management tool that lets you take charge of yo ur disks with its many powerful functions. ** FILECOM2.ZIP \UTILS COMPARE ASCII FILES VERSION 2 FOR PROGRAMMERS ** FILECOM3.ZIP \UTILS DISK 3 OF 3 ** FLUSHOT.ZIP \UTILS FLU SHOT + Excellent preventative medicine for the fight against nasty tr ojan horses and computer viruses. ** FORMDUPE.ZIP \UTILS FORMGEN'S DISK DUPLICATOR A high speed disk duplicator that can write; format; and verif y in one pass. ** FXMASTER.ZIP \UTILS FXMASTER v3.2 Printer/Font Set-Up-Epson! 015 ** HDMIV.ZIP \UTILS ASP> Jim Haas Great Hard Drive Menu System ** HDTEST.ZIP \UTILS Harddisk test with options 013 ** HDUTILS.ZIP \UTILS HD UTILITIES Several useful hard disk utilities including automatic head pa rkers; optimizers; and more. ** IN-EX.ZIP \UTILS THE ICON INJECTOR/EXTRACTOR A DOS utility that enables you to directly insert or remove ic ons in your favorite Windows 3.0 applications. ** KYLOCK.ZIP \UTILS KYLOCK Blanks your screen and locks the keyboard from others. Even locks out CRTL-ALT-DEL resets. ** LASER.ZIP \UTILS MSWORD GLOSSARY OF LASERJET ESC CODES ** LAUNCH.ZIP \UTILS WIN30: Launch is a handy utility for Windows which lets you start programs directly from the Windows desktop without having to go through the program manager or file manager. Your favorite programs ar ** LGRAPH.ZIP \UTILS LASERGRAF Prints high-quality graph paper in an almost infinite variety on Laserjet printers. ** LHARC.ZIP \UTILS LHARC A japanese file compressor that provides very tightly compress ed ".LZH" files. ** LIM.ZIP \UTILS LESS IS MORE A graphical user interface for office environments; designed t o run under MS Windows. ** LQ.ZIP \UTILS Letter Quality on Epson w/Grtrx...Nice! 015 ** M&MORE.ZIP \UTILS MEMOS & MORE File management utility with unique features like "hotkeying " favorite applications; quickview other drives & directories; & more. ** MASDIR.ZIP \UTILS MASTER DIRECTORY Sorted directory utility. Handles 1000's of files; prints dis k labels; reports; etc. ** MERLIN.ZIP \UTILS PC MERLIN Allows users to copy multiple files; encrypt ing the data as t he copy proceeds. ** MISCUTIL.ZIP \UTILS A COLLECTION OF VARIOUS UTILITIES FOR ALL ** MOM.ZIP \UTILS MENU ORGANIZATION MANAGER A non memory-resident menu system for hard or floppy drives. ** MRLABEL.ZIP \UTILS Label printing program 015 ** MRMENU1.ZIP \UTILS MR. MENU A fantastic menu program with several advance features and an emphasis on data security. ** MRMENU2.ZIP \UTILS DISK 2 OF 2 ** NETSCAN.ZIP \UTILS Scan network drives ** ONSIDE.ZIP \UTILS The best sidewriter clone yet. 015 ** P&S.ZIP \UTILS POINT & SHOOT HARD DISK MANAGER Addresses two of the most important needs of hard disk users: program execution & file/directory management. ** PAK.ZIP \UTILS PAK A data compression utility similar to "PKZIP"; but handles .AR C; .ZIP; and .PAK formats. ** PCBANNER.ZIP \UTILS PC banner pgm for ibm compatible printers 015 ** PCOPY.ZIP \UTILS PCOPY An advanced replacement for DOS's "copy" command with many add itional options. ** PCPRO.ZIP \UTILS PC PRO Replaces the DOS prompt with a Lotus-like user menu. Provides several new productivity enhancements into one integrated env ironment. ** PKLITE.ZIP \UTILS reduce EXE file size & still execute ** PKZ.ZIP \UTILS PKZIP A file compression utility from Phil Katz. Creates ".ZIP'ed" a rchives to save disk space. ** PM.ZIP \UTILS PASMAT A PASCAL SOURCE CODE FORMATTER ** PMKEY.ZIP \UTILS PROFESSIONAL MASTER KEY A great program designed to manipulate files and disks; much l ike Norton Utilities; or PC-Tools. ** POWERKIT.ZIP \UTILS POWERKIT A keyboard and screen enhancement utility. ** POWLABEL.ZIP \UTILS Print Custom Designed Labels, Index Cards... ** PRNTPLUS.ZIP \UTILS PRINTPLUS A file printing utility to save printer pape & disk space. ** PRNTUTIL.ZIP \UTILS PRINTER UTILITIES A collection of very handy printer utilities that no one shoul d be without! ** PS-BU.ZIP \UTILS POINT & SHOOT BACKUP/RESTORE Hard disk backup & restoration utility that provides fast; e asy backups with minimal user involvement. ** Q-CACHE1.ZIP \UTILS QUICKCACHE II A fantastic disk caching utility that really speeds up disk op erations. ** Q-CACHE2.ZIP \UTILS DISK 2 OF 2 ** QSORT.ZIP \UTILS Implementation of QUICKSORT Algorithm v.1.0007 ** S-RIVER.ZIP \UTILS STILL RIVER SHELL Provides a more comfortable; informative operating environme nt than DOS; with the use of on key commands; and an active di splay. ** SCAN.ZIP \UTILS READ ABILITY PLUS A WRITING STYLE ANALYZER ** SENTRY.ZIP \UTILS watches to see if interrupt tables change ** SHEZ.ZIP \UTILS COMPRESSED FILE VIEWER ** SIDERITE.ZIP \UTILS SIDEWRITER Allows printers to output sideways on paper allowing for the p rinting of wide reports that otherwise wouldn't fit. ** SIMPLAB1.ZIP \UTILS SIMPLY LABELS Allows the creation and printing of custom labels for a vari ety of applications. ** SIMPLAB2.ZIP \UTILS DISK 2 OF 2 ** STUPNDOS.ZIP \UTILS STUPENDOS A powerful disk manager that does much more than just displayi ng and manipulating files in a user friendly manner! ** SV.ZIP \UTILS Set Video Attributes For Your Video Card ** SWITCH.ZIP \UTILS DIP Switch settings for most printers and WordPerfect 5.1 ** SYNERGY.ZIP \UTILS SYNERGY A package of three useful Windows applications: "Color fix"; a patcher that permits truer color reproduction; "GCP"; a uti lity that converts to and from various graphics file formats; and ** TESTDRIV.ZIP \UTILS COMPREHENSIVE FLOPPY TESTING UTILITY ** TREEVIEW.ZIP \UTILS A hard disk/file manager 013 ** TSRBOOT.ZIP \UTILS TSR will reboot computer at specified time ** U-NET.ZIP \UTILS U-NET End user installable network system for any two IBM compatible s. Allows a workstation computer to share the hard drive on t he server computer. ** VCOPY.ZIP \UTILS VCOPY McAfee's virus protection program that replaces DOS's copy com ** VIDEOTST.ZIP \UTILS VIDEO ADAPTER TEST PROGRAM Does diagnostic tests of th various video modes on your video adapter. ** VMENU.ZIP \UTILS VERY GOOD SMALL MENU SYSTEM TRY IT ** VMIX1.ZIP \UTILS VMIX 386 An excellent multi-tasking and multiuser environment for PC/ XT/AT/386 machines. ** VMIX2.ZIP \UTILS DISK 2 OF 2 ** VSHIELD.ZIP \UTILS VSHIELD McAfee's virus PREVENTION utility that blocks viruses from ent ering your system. ** VSPOOL.ZIP \UTILS Versa-Spooler v1.01 multi-printer spooler ** WIL-UTIL.ZIP \UTILS WILSON UTILITIES A collection of great utilities similar to Norton Utilities; from author Jim Wilson. ** WILSONWR.ZIP \UTILS WILSON'S WINDOWS Three shareware Windows applications to run under Microsoft Windows. ** WINCLOCK.ZIP \UTILS Digital clock in icon area of Windows 020 ** WYNDSHEL.ZIP \UTILS Hard Disk Menu System with File Manager 013 ** ZBAR.ZIP \UTILS ZBAR Bar code printing system that is menu-driven and supports 14 d ifferent kinds of printers. ** ZIP-KIT.ZIP \UTILS ZIP-KIT7 A handful of useful utilities for managing your .ZIP files. ** ZIPCHUNK.ZIP \UTILS ZIP CHUNKER Takes existing .ZIP files and splits them into subsets accordi ng to user-specified sizes. ** ZIPTV20.ZIP \UTILS ZIP TV Allows the viewing of text files inside a .ZIP file without ex tracting them. ** ZM.ZIP \UTILS Zip Manager